Laboratory equipment
Laboratory equipment

laboratory equipment

Our clients love us because we provide the best quality of lab products, free demos, free installation, and support for ever.ĭo you wish to experience excellence too? Why not contact us today at, or call 9147126721 directly ‒ we are always available to serve. Disposable Sharps Bins SHARPS BIN PP WITH SNAP TIGHT SHUTTER LID 7.0L Product Code: CM915-36 £4.76 inc. We offer our hire services for TV, Film and Theatre Productions and for photographers wanting to create and authentic lab. Laboratory machines and instruments ‒ stirrers, hot plates, precision balances, test kits, pH meters, water bath, incubator, microscopes, etc.Ĭhosen by over 1200 schools, colleges, universities, research labs, government agencies and private companies to build or renovate their laboratories, Labkafe stands as your best friend when it comes to labs. ring stand buret clamp utility clamp miscellaneous. Our collection of laboratory equipment is available for hire.Laboratory consumables for bio/chem labs.Pharmacy lab equipment list and glassware.We fulfill CBSE ICSE ISC IGCSE IB State board affiliation requirements for schools by providing affiliation packages to schools. Clinical lab equipment: These are apparatus mostly used in clinical areas, mostly in hospitals. We manufacture and supply lab equipment, lab furniture, lab consumables, lab glassware, lab machines and more! Not only we manufacture lab items, we export to international resellers too. Labkafe is among the most promising laboratory supplies vendors in India. ALPHA II FTIR Spectrometer Nicolet iS20 FTIR Spectrometer UltraMicroscope II Light Sheet Microscope DXR3 Raman Microscope CELL-DYN Emerald 22 Hematology Analyzer MPure-32 aNAP System ESR STAT 6 Sed Rate Analyzer JMS-Q1600GC UltraQuad SQ-Zeta Single Quad Mass. LABORATORY GLASSWARE Glass, quartz, porcelain and agate.

Laboratory equipment